Struggling to get a Formal Assessment for your Child? Let Leapfrog help!
Note: please call the office directly if you cannot a suitable appointment time through the booking system, and we will do our best to accomodate you.
Waiting lists for therapy services across Australia have made accessing support a challenge. We recognise that families want to get started on their OT journey as soon as possible, particularly if your child has been identified with autism, ADHD or a developmental delay.
The Assessment Clinic* allows new families to get that first step of their occupational therapy journey completed, by having a formal assessment of their child completed by a qualified OT. Those assessed can continue on our waitlist in priority positions for an ongoing slot - but we can also give our summary report to other services who may be able to fit you in sooner!
For now, the Assessment Clinic will run across the school holidays only, on a first come, first served basis (booked online here). Please note that the Assessment Clinic is a unique service within Leapfrog and does not guarantee an ongoing therapy slot will be available following assessment (however you will be prioritised). If you wish to wait and be assessed when an ongoing slot becomes available, please register here.
The fast track Assessment Clinic process involves:
PARENT INTAKE: The first part of the assessment involves discussing your child's development to date, their strengths and areas of challenge. Where possible we prefer to discuss this without your child present, so one of our team can keep your child occupied while this discussion takes place.
ASSESSMENT: We allocate up to 90 minutes to complete the various assessment tasks with your child. If your child is under 5, we will need to split this over 2 sessions so that we can see your child in multiple environments or at various times of day. In this instance please call the office directly and they will help you split the assessment appointments.
PARENT FEEDBACK: Once the therapist has completed your child's assessment, they will provide verbal feedback via telehealth (online). A written summary report will also be provided. If you require an NDIS report, additional charges apply. Please ensure you have advised your therapist if you require an NDIS report at the parent intake session. If therapy is recommended they will be placed on the waiting list for services.
*This service is currently only available at our Melbourne clinic.